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Policy Forum Membership to the network is voluntary and open to any Tanzanian mainland -registered Non-Government Organisation whose vision aligns with the Policy Forum’s vision, mission, and objectives as outlined in its Strategic Plan.

Membership Benefits
Joining the PF network can help your organisation to benefit in these ways:

Capacity Enhancement
The network offers training to its members covering a wide range of topics based on the capacity needs of the members. Other forms for enhancing members’ capacity are through the information, education, and communication (ICE) materials that are produced by the network and shared with members through info packs.

Access to Policy Makers/Decision Makers
PF network avails platforms for its members to engage with decision makers to influence and advocate for transparency and accountable use of public resources across different sectors that members are working on.

Peer networking
Members join a national network of individuals and organizations with similar missions, providing direct access to peers ready to exchange information and ideas, offer technical support, and share resources. PF coordinates peer learning workshops, policy dialogues through monthly breakfast debates, international learning visits, and zonal reflection meetings which offer opportunities for forging potential partnerships with other CSOs.

We profile our members' work through our website, social media platforms and international partners.
Decision-making power
Each year, members approve the network’s annual budget and plan for the current year as well as financial and narrative reports for the previous year. Along with this, members have the power to vote and elect the Board of Directors. Through the Working Groups members have the power to decide priority activities to be implemented in their respective years. Members then take lead in implementing the activities while coordination of the same is done by the secretariat.

Joint Fundraising
We collaborate with members in conducting joint fundraising for implementing similar interventions. We also share with members opportunities for fundraising (call for proposals) through weekly updates that are sent to them. In addition, we offer capacity enhancement to members on better skills for fundraising and how they should go about ensuring they win call for proposals.

Who Can Be Member?
We welcome applications from organizations that:
• Are NGOs with at least one year’s track record of implementing or advocating for enhanced governance and accountable use of public resources.
• Commit to participate in Policy Forum activities as outlined in our Strategic Plan
• Align with our mission and values
• Respect cultural diversity, oppose all forms of discrimination, and are nonpartisan (not affiliated with or biased toward a political
candidate or party)

Ready to join? Please apply by filling the online form

Application form

Below is a current list of our members, click for more information.


Dar es Salaam












