Fadhili Teens Tanzania (Fadhili). Fadhili is a registered entity under Tanzania non-Government organization act, founded in 2008 with registration number 00NGO/00002543. Fadhili is dedicated to promote interest along with individual skills of all forms among local community residents by access them to education/re-education support, Advocate all forms of human rights especial to vulnerable groups. Introducing the knowledge of will power and positive thinking in realizing individual own innovative and creativity ideas, AIDS/HIV programs among children, youth and young women.
Fadhili is a Swahili word, means – the quality or state of taking an active interest in the welfare of others, friendly and helpful act of favor.
The organization have invested different initiatives which targeting most vulnerable groups of children and youth (Both Boys and Adolescent Girls), in order to respond to various problems that derived from the social, economic and political matters in general, with special focus to the children and youth who seem to be the most victims on psychological issues such as traumatized, stress, self-harm, depression, anger issues, stigma, adolescence and others socio-economic as well as political challenges.