On November 8, 2016, Policy Forum (PF) and Officials from President’s Office-Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) agreed to have a long term partnership and work together to strengthen local governance in the country. The consensus was reached during the meeting organized by PF in Dodoma Region.
Giving a brief account of the relationship between PF and PO-RALG, Sebastian Kitiku, the head of social services delivery at PO-RALG said that, Policy Forum Members had initially agreed during their quarterly meeting held on 28th October 2016 to collaborate with PO-RALG in producing popular versions of three local government documents namely: Local Government Development Grant Guide, M and E System and Annual Assessment Tool. These documents will facilitate Local government Authorities (LGAs) Officials to perform their functions properly.
Kitiku noted that “this was the beginning of a great relationship between Policy Forum and PO-RALG which has steered constructive methods to strengthen the both parts for the great good of the public”.
During the presentation, Anna Stainsby-Programme Officer at the Policy Forum, highlighted the objective of PF study which was motivated by the desire to understand the use of the PO-RALG circular No. B.25/307/10 of 2nd November 2012 with a title Mamlaka za Serikali za Mitaa Kutoa Taarifa Mbalimbali kwa Wawakilishi wa Asasi zisizo za Kiserikali (AZAKI).
The circular was issued after Policy Forum had organized its members and started discussion with the Prime Minister’s Office-Regional Administration and Local Government (now the President’s Office-Regional Administration and Local Government) to issue a Circular that require LGA officials to make available a set of documents to CSOs.
During the meeting, CSOs requested for PO-RALG’s assistance in strengthening the Circular’s ability to access information. In many cases most CSOs fail to access information from the LGAs due to bureaucracy and absence of particular law to facilitate access to information.